Many of you are like minded individuals who have awesome fitness blogs. I thought I'd do a brief survey to pick the brains of the people who practice what they preach. The 4 questions for this survey are geared specifically to people who take their health seriously and are passionate about fitness. You don't need to have a fitness blog or be any specific age to respond to the following questions.
1. Was there a time when you felt out of shape or in poor health? If so, how long ago?
2. What motivated you to get serious about your health and make healthy lifestyle changes like eating right and exercising?
3. What type of exercise program or nutritional changes have made the biggest difference for you?
4. Name some people who you look up to as role models when it comes to fitness.
Here are my answers:
1. I realized I was a overweight about 10 years ago (skinny dude with fat deposits). I was out of shape due to a sedentary job and eating a lot of fast food.
2. One big motivator for getting into shape was coming across an issue of Muscle Media magazine in the 90's and seeing so many regular people who made amazing body transformations.
3. Eating smaller portions and eating more fruits and vegetables have been the biggest help for my diet. Lifting weights is the most beneficial exercise for me, but I also love basketball and have taken up running.
4. I admire Randy Couture, Dara Torres, Karl Malone and other people who show you can still be in great shape even as you get older.
Thanks for your participation. Just number your responses in the comments section. I look forward to your feedback.