I'd like to share some tips that have helped Your Fitness Quest clients eat better and lose weight over the years. I know that many experts have differing opinions about some of these suggestions, but I believe these tips are helpful to the average person who is trying to eat healthier and lose weight. These may just be small and simple actions, but as you start to combine them, they can make a big difference. These are only general guidelines and you should always consult a physician or registered dietitian if you have questions or concerns about your health or nutritional needs.
1. Avoid overeating by eating smaller portions more frequently throughout the day.
2. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
3. Avoid carbonated, caffeinated, and sugar based drinks (soda pop).
4. Avoid foods prepared in grease and oil. Steam rather than fry foods when possible.
5. Use non fat dairy products like skim milk, non-fat cottage cheese, and yogurt.
6 Eat less highly processed foods like white bread and pre-packaged foods.
7. Choose whole grain cereals, breads, and pastas and eat foods that are high in fiber.
8. Eat all the raw vegetables you want, especially when you feel like snacking.
9. Don't grocery shop on an empty stomach.
10. Get familiar with food labels and watch for the misleading claims.
11. Avoid saturated, hydrogenated, and trans fats. Olive oil is a healthier option.
12. Don't snack late at night or eat big meals right before going to bed.
13. Use a multi-vitamin if you think you may be deficient in any micro nutrients.
14. Substitute fresh fruit for high calorie desserts.
15. Use leaner meat sources like chicken, turkey, or fish. Remove skin from poultry.
16. Replace jam jellies, and syrups with applesauce and fresh fruit toppings.
17. When eating out, order a salad and order light dressing on the side.
18. Share large entrees with someone or eat half and take the rest home in a doggy bag.
19. Don't be afraid to ask for substitutions (salad or fruit for fries).
20. Don't confuse thirst, boredom, or stress with hunger.
21. Plan your meals the night before. Healthy eating never happens by accident.
22. Sit down to eat and really enjoy your meals. Don't eat on the run.
23. Set aside one day a week to eat whatever you want without any guilt.
24. Eat a variety of foods so you don't get bored with eating the same thing all the time.
25. Use a food journal to help you identify and improve your eating habits.