Supplements can be enticing because they offer a variety of benefits by just taking a pill or powder. The supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. Supplements are available at grocery stores, pharmacies, health food stores, and on the Internet. Since there are so many supplements, it can be confusing to figure out which ones you need, if any.
Before purchasing supplements, you should determine if your diet is lacking in any particular area. I have always taken a basic multivitamin, but some people go overboard and confuse good health with how many pills they take.
Supplement manufacturers don't have to prove the claims on their labels. Many of them feature the following obligatory notice "these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease". Unlike the drug industry, herbs and supplements are not closely regulated. I'm sure there are honest companies with quality products available, but there are also a those who sell useless garbage that is nicely packaged. If you end up buying the latter, just hope the placebo effect works for you.
Before purchasing supplements, you should determine if your diet is lacking in any particular area. I have always taken a basic multivitamin, but some people go overboard and confuse good health with how many pills they take.
Supplement manufacturers don't have to prove the claims on their labels. Many of them feature the following obligatory notice "these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease". Unlike the drug industry, herbs and supplements are not closely regulated. I'm sure there are honest companies with quality products available, but there are also a those who sell useless garbage that is nicely packaged. If you end up buying the latter, just hope the placebo effect works for you.
Some body builders chose to use creatine, protein powder, glutamine, and other supplements as a way to ratchet up their results and give them an advantage, but if they are not already eating healthy food and exercising like they should, then it is probably just a waste of money. If you think a supplement is going to get you into shape or undo the results of an unhealthy lifestyle, then you are going to be disappointed. Remember what the word supplement means. It is not a replacement for food but rather a way to supplement your nutrition.

There are obviously certain groups of people who are more likely to benefit from supplements. These include pregnant and nursing women, vegetarians, the elderly, and those with food allergies or intolerances. I am not against supplements, I just think people should make sure they really need them first before spending their money.
I agree that supplementation can be taken overboard. Some brands recommend that you take 4,5 or more of their products to perform at your best.
The best thing to do is to keep it simple and find out what your needs are. Many times it is just a matter of getting a product like a multivitamin tailored specifically for you (man, woman, elderly, active, etc.).
For sure most people don't need supplements maybe an elite athlete it might do something for but for all of us just eat healthy foods.
Supplements I guess might help 5-10 % at the most not the best investment
I think supplements do help but you are right, you have to do the work also.
You should only take supplements if you really need them. I always believe that they're vital for our health; take them only if necessary.
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