Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fitness- By The Numbers

1/2- How many pounds of muscle you can expect to lose per year as you age if you don't exercise regularly.

3- The minimal percent of essential body fat for men.

4- The number of calories in a gram of protein or carbohydrate.

9- The number of calories in a gram of fat.

10-12- The minimal percent of essential body fat for women.

15- The number of calories per pound of body weight used to estimate one's approximate daily caloric needs.

10- The number of proteins which are essential amino acids and must be obtained in your diet.

25- The recommended grams of daily fiber intake.

26.2- How many miles are in a marathon.

30- The body mass index rating considered obese.

33- The percent of women who say they are on a diet.

66- The percent of Americans that are overweight or obese.

70-80- The heart rate (b.p.m.) of the average adult.

164- How much the average American woman weighs.

191-How much the average American man weighs.

206- The number of human bones in the human body.

640- The number of muscles in the human body.

3,500- The number of calories in a pound of fat.

3:43.13- The world record time for the mile run.

2:03:59- The world record time for a marathon.

23,600,000- The number of Americans who have diabetes.

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