Monday, November 16, 2009

Stress Management

I have taken stress management courses in the past which I found to be very helpful. Stress can be a killer if you don't know how to cope with it. Obviously some stress is good or we'd be unproductive, athletics would be boring to watch, and we'd never get anything done. Good stress is referred to as eustress and is beneficial in our lives. It's the bad chronic stress we need to watch out for since it will wear down your body and mind.

I hate to make broad generalizations and stereotypes, but I am envious of my Polynesian friends who always seem to be relaxed and fun to be around. I don't know if it is just a cultural difference, but there are times I'd like a Hawaiian blood transfusion. Obviously there is much more to understanding stress than determining if you are a type A or B personality. Even the most kicked back personalities have to deal with stress.

There are many ways people deal with stress. Some turn to things like procrastination or stress induced eating, but these only compound your problems and make things worse. Instead try to incorporate some of the following practices into your daily routine.

Deep Breathing
Learn how to say no to people
Take short breaks from work to relax
Write in a journal
Have a support group/talk to friends
Watch a funny movie
Take a hot bath or get a massage
Improve your time management skills
Take time off or go on vacation

Failure to cope with stress properly can be detrimental to your health. Keeping it bottled up only makes things worse, so figure what techniques work best for you. One of the biggest causes of free radicals is stress. Participating in one of these stress reduction strategies could be as beneficial as eating a meal rich in antioxidants. I think that getting a massage may be as good for you as eating a plate of broccoli.

1 comment:

MikkSolo said...

Stress stresses me out!