If you are like most people you may be able to relate to the diagram below. Holiday treats, comfort food, darker days and colder weather take their toll each year from October through December.
Many people set fitness goals each new year but only stick with them for days or weeks before abandoning them and returning to familiar unhealthy habits. In order to help you overcome this cycle and generate some momentum for the new year, we are putting on the "2016 Your Fitness Quest Transformation Workshop" which will help you overcome the obstacles that have slowed you down in the past.
You will learn how to make healthy changes that will transform your body and we will be unveiling our 90 day transformation contest with great prizes for the participants including a trip to Hawaii for a week for the top two transformers.
We will show you how to find an exercise program you can stick with, eat better to properly fuel your body, and get your mind and spirit in the right frame of mind to let go of emotional baggage and self sabotage that has been holding you back in the past. Let's make 2016 great!
The workshop will be held Saturday January 2, 2016 from 1-4 p.m. at the George Mueller Academy located at 121 East South State in Lehi, UT. The cost is $24.95 per person.
Tickets can be purchased at YFQ Transformation Workshop.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
Who Wants It Most?
I have always been intrigued with the concept of motivation. Have you ever wondered why a competitive athlete or disciplined body builder can accomplish their goals while the average person gives up at the first sign of resistance? I think a person's level of commitment and efforts can best be summed up by answering the question "who wants it most?"
Although natural ability and genetics play a huge role in determining one's physique or performance, I still think the biggest indicator of success is a person's desire to succeed. There are many people who are successful in different areas of life who have no right being at the top of their profession if they were to rely exclusively on their natural abilities. They have become successful because they wanted the prize more than others and were willing to do those things that success in their field requires. Likewise, their are many talented and gifted people with amazing potential who never seem to succeed because they lack the motivation and desire to do so. Again, I think a fair question to ask is "who wants it most?"
I work with people all the time who tell me they are totally motivated and excited to change and they rate their motivation level at a 9 or 10, but talk is cheap and their actions show their true level of commitment. Sometimes it takes embarrassment, tragedy, or getting your butt kicked metaphorically, or literally to get to the point where we are finally motivated or scared enough to change. I prefer to focus on positive motivation as opposed to fear, but some people actually respond better to a negative stimulus. For some, it might take a doctor's lab results to wake them up to the reality that they need to start making some changes.
The fact that a person wants something more than others is what moves them to action. If they persist and fine tune their efforts, they can succeed. If you see someone with six pack abs, odds are they want that result more than most people who aren't wiling to have the disciplined diet required to get to single digit body fat. That goal isn't for everyone, but you should have specific goals related to your health and fitness.
Earlier this year I heard Erin Stern speak and she said the strongest force in the universe is the human will and if we can visualize, plan, and harness that power, then we can accomplish our goals. What is it that you really want? If it's something you think would be nice to accomplish someday, then you will probably never do it, but if you are serious about it and develop that burning desire, then you will probably pay the price that is necessary to achieve it.
Although natural ability and genetics play a huge role in determining one's physique or performance, I still think the biggest indicator of success is a person's desire to succeed. There are many people who are successful in different areas of life who have no right being at the top of their profession if they were to rely exclusively on their natural abilities. They have become successful because they wanted the prize more than others and were willing to do those things that success in their field requires. Likewise, their are many talented and gifted people with amazing potential who never seem to succeed because they lack the motivation and desire to do so. Again, I think a fair question to ask is "who wants it most?"
I work with people all the time who tell me they are totally motivated and excited to change and they rate their motivation level at a 9 or 10, but talk is cheap and their actions show their true level of commitment. Sometimes it takes embarrassment, tragedy, or getting your butt kicked metaphorically, or literally to get to the point where we are finally motivated or scared enough to change. I prefer to focus on positive motivation as opposed to fear, but some people actually respond better to a negative stimulus. For some, it might take a doctor's lab results to wake them up to the reality that they need to start making some changes.
The fact that a person wants something more than others is what moves them to action. If they persist and fine tune their efforts, they can succeed. If you see someone with six pack abs, odds are they want that result more than most people who aren't wiling to have the disciplined diet required to get to single digit body fat. That goal isn't for everyone, but you should have specific goals related to your health and fitness.
Earlier this year I heard Erin Stern speak and she said the strongest force in the universe is the human will and if we can visualize, plan, and harness that power, then we can accomplish our goals. What is it that you really want? If it's something you think would be nice to accomplish someday, then you will probably never do it, but if you are serious about it and develop that burning desire, then you will probably pay the price that is necessary to achieve it.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Planes of Motion

Sagittal- The sagittal plane divides the body down the middle into left and right halves. Exercises in this plane include walking, running, pushups, curls, lunges, rowing, squats, etc. (any type of activity that involves flexion and extension)
Frontal- The frontal plane divides the body into front and back. This involves abduction and adduction exercises. (sideways movements) Exercises that take place in this plane include lateral raises, shrugs, and jumping jacks.
Transverse- The transverse plane divides the body at the waist into upper and lower body sections. This deals with rotation types of movements. Common exercises include cable wood chopping, Russian twists, and swings for tennis and golf.
Some exercises will involve different planes of motion depending on how strict one's form is and if one is doing pullups or chin up variations instead.
The reason I like the emphasis on different planes of motion is because we do not move like robots. Think of a football running back starting and stopping and spinning as he jukes a defender or how dancers move. They are smooth and flowing and don't just move in one plane. Our bodies make fluid, twisting, compound movements, yet many people's exercise routines and most machines at the gym involve isolated movements that are dominant in the sagittal plane. I'm not bashing isolation exercises, I just think it is beneficial to incorporate some functional fitness into your workout too.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Portion Control Tips
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"I can't believe I ate the whole thing." |
Here are some tips to help you eat smaller portions.
Use smaller plates- This might sound simple, but it works. I used to eat food like cereal and ice cream out of a large popcorn bowl. Using smaller plates and utensils is a great way to keep you from eating too much.
Eat slower and enjoy your food. Food is not the enemy. It should be savored and enjoyed by eating it slowly. Take you time to enjoy what you eat instead of inhaling it. Sit down to a table for meals instead of mindless eating while you drive or while watching TV.
Eat more frequently but eat smaller meals. Think of grazing throughout the day as opposed to gorging yourself and then going into hibernation. If you skip meals or wait too long between meals you may get really hungry and are more likely to overeat.
Go heavy on the veggies- Fill most of your plate with salad or vegetables. It is a healthy alternative to the higher calorie entrees. If you want seconds, eat more salad, not the main dish.
Split a meal- My wife and I went to Texas Road house for our anniversary. We were shocked at how big the portions were. We could have easily split an entree and still been full. You can also ask your server to put half your meal in a doggy bag for later before you even start your meal.
Don't finish your plate- Despite what your parents told you, leaving a little food on your plate can be a good thing because it puts you in control. I still struggle with this one because I hate wasting food. When you leave a few bites on your plate it sends a subconscious signal that you are full, but it you lick your plate clean it says 'I'm still hungry."
Kids Meals- I am not advocating fast food, but if you are going to eat a hamburger, get a kids meal or a small item off the dollar menu instead of a large one. It may not be the healthiest option but it's the lesser of two evils.
Track your food intake- Over the years I have noticed that most people over estimate their activity level and under estimate their calorie consumption. One way to make sure what you think you are eating matches with reality is to track your food intake. These days it is easier than ever to track the food you eat with free software or apps like "My Fitness Pal."
Weight loss is impossible if you are consuming more calories than your body needs. One of the easiest things you can do to help the battle is to develop the habit of eating smaller food portions. If you control your portions, you can even afford to have the occasional dessert, or higher calorie foods that you love so you don't feel like you are depriving yourself.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Fitness vs. Athleticism
The basic components of physical fitness are cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. It would be ideal to develop a balance in each of these areas, but most people have obvious strengths and weaknesses when it comes to these categories. Some people may meet the above criteria and be considered physically fit and healthy, yet may still not be very athletic.
In addition to being physically fit, an athlete's performance will be benefited by developing many of the following skills and components listed below. Depending on the sport or activity, one will want to focus on many of these specific skills. Developing these skills can make a huge difference to an athlete's performance.
Agility, Power, Strength, Speed, Quickness, Balance, Endurance, Flexibility, Reaction Time/Timing, Coordination, Stamina, Accuracy, Concentration, Experience, Competitiveness, and Mental Preparation.
I can't tell you how many times I've made the mistake of judging a book by it's cover. I once played basketball against an older guy who was very over weight, and only about 5'10". Despite his appearance, he went off for 30 points in the game and nobody could stop him. I saw him do the same thing all season long. At other times I've been in awe of amazing physical specimens, but the intimidation stopped when it became apparent that they could hardly dribble a ball and breathe at the same time.
Being physically fit may be more beneficial in the long run than developing specific athletic qualities, but as a society we certainly seem to value those who run the fastest, jump the highest, or lift the most weight, as opposed to just being healthy.
Another aspect of fitness to consider is the ability to stay healthy for the long haul. I'm sure you've seen professional athletes who retire and a few years later, they've let their bodies go to pot. Sometimes participating in athletic events can take a toll on your body. It's not uncommon for athletes to experience concussions, dislocations, and joint injuries that can slow them down later in life.
Longevity is another area to consider when contrasting fitness and athleticism. If I had the choice of setting world records in my 20's or being in good enough condition to compete in the senior games in my 70's or 80's, I'd take the latter because of the positive health implications later in life.
There are many physically fit people who are also great athletes, so it's not like you have to pick one or the other, but if you did, which would you value more, fitness or athleticism?
Monday, September 14, 2015
Product Review: The Runners Choice

The race course is the steepest half marathon I've ever run with a 2,600 elevation drop from start to finish. It was a FAST course due to the downhill nature. I always get a kick out of runners who complain about downhill running since I love having gravity on my side and it makes it much easier, but they do have a point. Steep downhill runs can be very stressful on your feet and ankles.
The ingredients in this product include a blend of oils from almond, eucalyptus, wintergreen, peppermint, and spearmint. About 35 minutes later when I arrived home I was surprised that I could no longer see the blisters on my toes.
I'm not claiming that Runners Choice magically makes blisters disappear, but it greatly minimized their appearance and was very soothing to my sore feet. I'm sure briefly icing my feet also helped and I know this is not a scientific double blind study, but I did like the product and plan on using it again after I run the St. George Marathon next month.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Synthetic Workout Apparrel
I can remember when polyester clothes were popular when I was a little kid. As I got older, styles changed and they became an embarrassment and the butt of jokes. Today they have come full circle and have made a comeback to being cool, especially in the fitness community.
When you run a race these days, many of the event organizers brag about giving out technical or performance fabrics shirts which have moisture wicking properties unlike 100% cotton shirts. This means they are made of polyester, lycra, spandex, or some other synthetic material. Brands like Under Armour, Dri-Fit, Clima Cool, Starter, and Cool Max, have helped Polyester lose it's negative stigma and even made it cool to wear again.
Polyester might have some benefits like keeping you drier, but it does have some disadvantages. I've heard that soldiers in combat zones are not allowed to wear polyester under clothing since if they get burned, the material can melt and fuse to the skin. That's not something most people have to worry about while running a 5K, but the biggest disadvantage with synthetic compression shorts and shirts is the fact that they stink up a lot quicker than cotton. Apparently the bacteria and accompanying odor left on our clothes after a workout grows faster on synthetic materials than it does on cotton does.
This problem has prompted laundry detergent companies to cater specifically to fitness enthusiasts who have clothing made of synthetic materials. Certain detergents supposedly remove sweat stains and odors better than regular brands do. I've never tried sports specific laundry products, so I'm not going to promote any brand, but I'd be interested to know if any readers have had experience with any particular detergent that has worked well for them on their workout clothes.
The next time you buy moisture wicking sports apparel, just be grateful it's 2015 and your clothing material of choice makes you as cool as it would back in 1975.
When you run a race these days, many of the event organizers brag about giving out technical or performance fabrics shirts which have moisture wicking properties unlike 100% cotton shirts. This means they are made of polyester, lycra, spandex, or some other synthetic material. Brands like Under Armour, Dri-Fit, Clima Cool, Starter, and Cool Max, have helped Polyester lose it's negative stigma and even made it cool to wear again.
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Under Armor or the Bat Suit? |
This problem has prompted laundry detergent companies to cater specifically to fitness enthusiasts who have clothing made of synthetic materials. Certain detergents supposedly remove sweat stains and odors better than regular brands do. I've never tried sports specific laundry products, so I'm not going to promote any brand, but I'd be interested to know if any readers have had experience with any particular detergent that has worked well for them on their workout clothes.
The next time you buy moisture wicking sports apparel, just be grateful it's 2015 and your clothing material of choice makes you as cool as it would back in 1975.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Congratulations to the Iron Cowboy!
Last month I wrote about James Lawrence and his challenge to complete 50 Iron Man length triathlons in 50 states in 50 days. I have followed his progress daily as he made his way from state to state and was amazed at the determination he showed. I'm not a triathlon athlete and the sport doesn't really appeal to me (since I suck at swimming and biking.... and running) but I totally respect any endurance athlete who accomplishes great things especially when it is considered to be "impossible" by most people.
Yesterday I was able to witness the Cowboy complete his final run in Utah and conquer the challenge. He invited the public out for the final 5K like he has in other states.and there was a pretty impressive showing of people who came to support him and celebrate his success. He was nice enough to allow those who came out to get photos with him and he gave high fives to the crowds. It was cool to see him finish the 50 50 50 challenge like he said he would.
I have been cheering for him since he started in Hawaii. After hearing him speak in May I never doubted his resolve, determination, or belief that he could do it, but I was still concerned with his ability to remain injury free long enough to finish the challenge. I know he had several injuries and health concerns over the last 50 days, but am still in awe that he was able to keep his body going the whole time. I know he picked up a bunch of fans as he progressed along the challenge and silenced many critics.
I congratulate Lawrence, his family, and support team for their hard work and dedication and for making this one of the most entertaining and inspiring events I have ever witnessed. I just hope the guy can finally get some quality rest now and hopefully pick up some good endorsement deals. I think it's time for Energizer to scrap the bunny and make him their new spokesman.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
2015 Utah Spartan Super Recap

I arrived at the race with only a minute or two to spare before it started so I was the last person in the back of the holding pen for my heat. The start was the same this year as prior ones. After about 100 yards you hit a couple mud pits then do some fairly easy over/under obstacles before heading up the mountain trail. Once you get to the steep part of the trail it is pretty much a single file hike. Next year I will remember to get better positioning for the start and to go harder for the first part of the race in order to not be held back by hundreds of slower runners on the trail that are impossible to pass unless you run through bushes and sage brush like a jack rabbit.
One of the differences I noticed this year was around the mid point when you come back toward the main hub of camp. They stacked several strength obstacles one after the other instead of the usual alternating running with obstacles like they usually do. My first year I made both rope climbs, but last year I really struggled wrestling with the rope climb way too long only to fail and then do burpees in an exhausted state. For some reason my intuition said to just run past it and I did burpees instead. I'm kind of glad I did since there were several more strength obstacles immediately after that.
One of the new obstacles was the hanging rope traverse where you loop your legs over the rope and go hand over hand pulling yourself while facing the sky. I had never done it before so my technique was not very polished but I finished it. I didn't really realize it at the time but I gave my calves some pretty nasty rope burns in the process.
About 5 or 6 miles into the race, the pack I was with thinned out and I found myself following a guy in front of me and must have been on auto pilot and not paying attention. A group of us lemmings somehow missed a turn and ended up going the wrong way so we had to back track to get back to the correct trail which cost me a good 5-10 minutes.
This year I was really frustrated with the wall traverse since I did 75% of it and thought I was done so I hopped down but then realized I was supposed to turn the corner first and do one more section and then ring the bell. More burpees. I also blew it on the monkey bars. I don't know why they are so easy at the park but when you are 6 miles into a race with muddy slippery hands it is s different story. Those take more hand grip and forearm strength than I remember. More burpees.
I always felt that jumping and climbing over walls was one of my few strengths when it comes to these races but apparently I need to work on my form since I just jump and swing by right arm over the barrier to catch myself then pull the rest of me over. I guess after doing that on nearly 9 different walls and barriers I got some really nasty bruises. Next time instead of jumping up and karate chopping the wall with my bicep I will pull myself up with better technique to avoid the battered runner look for the next week.
This year there was also a mud pit that required you to submerge your entire body under a barrier in order to pass. That was a new twist for the usual mud pits, but the water was nice and cold and really cooled me off. I paid extra for an earlier heat this year and I'm glad I did since the temperature that day was in the high 90's and as the day goes on with thousands of runners, the course just gets muddier and harder, not to mention the increased heat you have to deal with that is inevitable in the afternoon starting times. This year did not seem to be half as muddy as last year and I was not complaining.
In summary, I had a good time with the Spartan Super race and felt the organizers did a good job. I was plenty sore for the next few days but it was a good challenge.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Insanity or Hero?

When I heard about his challenge I was blown away not only by the unfathomable stress it will put on his body, but also the logistical nightmare of trying to do a full triathlon in every single state in 50 days. Many people including medical professionals have told him it is physically impossible to put that much stress on the human body for such an extended period of time without having any long term rest or recuperation.
I personally can't imagine him finishing such a task without it taking a tremendous toll on his body and causing injury in some form or other....BUT, I really hope he does. The 4 minute mile was once an impossible task as was climbing Mount Everest but once someone proved it was no longer impossible, thousands have been able to do so.
You can follow his progress on his Facebook page. Some critics might say it is just a publicity stunt or that it is simply not possible, but I respect him for trying something so difficult and thinks it takes guts to take on such a formidable challenge.
I respect the guy and wish him the best no matter how far he gets, but I'd really like to see someone do the impossible once again.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Dealing with Injuries
Few things are more frustrating in sports and fitness than getting injured. Last week we started our annual "triathlon in a month" event. I have been looking forward to this but was a little concerned since I had a sore knee and a sprained ankle. Despite these nagging minor injuries I started the challenge and things were going good until Friday night when I played in a church basketball game. With 3 seconds left in the game I lunged to save a basketball from going out of bounds and pulled a hamstring. Pain shot through the back of my leg and I collapsed to the ground. After a few minutes I tried to get up but my leg gave out again. I had never experienced this injury before so I was a little scared.
Getting injured is especially aggravating when one is working hard at preparing for a goal or event, but their body gives out. You can see this on the faces of injured athletes when they are rolling around in pain. Only a portion of the anguish in their face is due to physical pain. I'm sure much of it is frustration and anger since they know the injury will take them out of action for a while.
Below I have listed some things that will help you recover faster from injuries.
1. Apply first aid immediately- After you are injured.remember the acronym R.I.C.E.. It stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. A sprained ankle will heal much faster if you immediately ice it and elevate it, then bandage it with an ace bandage.. Ibuprofen can also help with the pain and reduce inflammation.
2. Seek proper medical attention- I know going to the doctor is no fun but a physician can properly diagnose the severity of an injury. I've known people who have limped around for weeks on stress fractures because they thought it was just a strain or sprain and never got it checked out.
3. REST!- Take it easy until you get better. (I am the ultimate hypocrite when it comes to this. I am currently scheming on how I am gong to be able to play in next week's basketball game). If you don't allow your body time to heal it will likely get worse. If your are concerned about deconditioning, find an alternate form of exercise you can do. If you are unable to run, look at cycling, walking, or swimming or some other low impact activity you can still do that won't affect your injury.
4. Use a physical therapist- I have had some serious ankle sprains over the years I usually just let them heal on their own, but whenever I have gone to a physical therapist, I have been absolutely amazed at how much quicker recovery time is. I highly recommend using a physical therapist to help speed up the time it takes to recover from injuries.
5. Proper nutrition- Eating right is important since your body is rebuilding and repairing itself with the raw materials you consume. Are you building a house of bricks or a house of straw with your diet?
6. Get sufficient sleep- This is also important so your body can heal. If you are sleep deprived and stressed, your recovery will be take longer.
7. Prevention- Ease back into exercise slowly after an injury. Wear braces or support equipment if you have previously injured a body part. Try not to work out when you are exhausted since that can make you more vulnerable to injury.
Being injured is never a fun experience, but there are things you can do minimize the down time and help you with a speedy recovery. I just wish I had the Bacta Tank that Luke Skywalker used to heal quicker in The Empire Strikes Back. My triathlon efforts may have been slightly delayed as I limp and shuffle over the next several days but I am still going to finish the challenge this month!
Below I have listed some things that will help you recover faster from injuries.
1. Apply first aid immediately- After you are injured.remember the acronym R.I.C.E.. It stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. A sprained ankle will heal much faster if you immediately ice it and elevate it, then bandage it with an ace bandage.. Ibuprofen can also help with the pain and reduce inflammation.
2. Seek proper medical attention- I know going to the doctor is no fun but a physician can properly diagnose the severity of an injury. I've known people who have limped around for weeks on stress fractures because they thought it was just a strain or sprain and never got it checked out.
3. REST!- Take it easy until you get better. (I am the ultimate hypocrite when it comes to this. I am currently scheming on how I am gong to be able to play in next week's basketball game). If you don't allow your body time to heal it will likely get worse. If your are concerned about deconditioning, find an alternate form of exercise you can do. If you are unable to run, look at cycling, walking, or swimming or some other low impact activity you can still do that won't affect your injury.
4. Use a physical therapist- I have had some serious ankle sprains over the years I usually just let them heal on their own, but whenever I have gone to a physical therapist, I have been absolutely amazed at how much quicker recovery time is. I highly recommend using a physical therapist to help speed up the time it takes to recover from injuries.
5. Proper nutrition- Eating right is important since your body is rebuilding and repairing itself with the raw materials you consume. Are you building a house of bricks or a house of straw with your diet?
6. Get sufficient sleep- This is also important so your body can heal. If you are sleep deprived and stressed, your recovery will be take longer.
7. Prevention- Ease back into exercise slowly after an injury. Wear braces or support equipment if you have previously injured a body part. Try not to work out when you are exhausted since that can make you more vulnerable to injury.

Saturday, February 21, 2015
2015 Triathlon in a Month

1) You are a bad swimmer or you don't have access to a pool. I can relate to this since I am a horrible swimmer and do much of my swim on my back. Just go to a local pool and knock out the swim portion over several days. It doesn't matter how deep it is or what stroke you use.
2) You don't have a bike or helmet or it's too cold outside. Use a stationary bike at home or the gym if you don't have a good bike or ideal biking conditions.You can even watch a video while you do it.
2) Many people say they can't run due to knee or other injuries. You can walk the running portion and it still counts. Avoid the high impact of running if you need to but still complete the mileage by walking.
This triathlon is unique because it is one you can do at your own pace. Very few people are able to swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, then run a full marathon of 26.2 miles in one day. Some of the elite finishers of this event are able to complete the entire 140.6 mile relay in under 9 hours. My hat is off to the hard core athletes who are able to accomplish such amazing feats, but I think that's a little too extreme and daunting for the general population. That is why I like the idea of completing a full blown triathlon but doing it over the course of a month so we don't all end up hospitalized from trying to finish it all in one day.
Some people think that taking a month is too easy for them while others doubt they could ever do it. That is the beauty of doing it at your own pace. If you are already in great shape, then go for it and try to finish it in a couple days or within a week. If you know it will be hard and challenging for you, then just chip away at it day by day and take the entire month to accomplish it. Luckily you won't have the usual 17 hour cut off time to qualify that they do at the Iron Man Triathlon. You technically have 744 hours to complete it.
This is a great opportunity to improve your conditioning if you've gotten out of shape. It's also a great way to actually complete a triathlon without wreaking havoc on your body. I've received a lot of positive feedback in the past by the many people who went way out of their comfort zones to participate in this event.
Because this is a do it on your own event, we are on the honor system and you are also able to do it at your local gym or home. The only rule is that it doesn't start until March.1st. You can do all the swimming at once or combine events each time you work out as long as you eventually complete the mileage totals for each category.
If you'd like to join us, you can register by e-mailing me at tom@yourfitnessquest.com. I will send you the activity tracker sheet you can use to monitor your progress. Registration and participation is free, but you can also purchase a cool finishers shirt. Your Fitness Quest is not responsible for any accident or injury of the participants. Always consult a physician before starting an exercise program.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Ever Changing Nutrition Recommendations

When the food pyramid was introduced I tried to follow it's recommendations. I remember when the guidelines were changed to decrease fat intake and to increase grain consumption in order to fight obesity and heart disease. Surprisingly, the increased consumption of breads, cereals, and pasta actually raised obesity rates and soon carbohydrates were labeled by many to be the "evil" food group like fat had previously been.
About ten years ago the food pyramid was revamped again and stairs were added to remind people the importance of physical activity. More recently the guidelines were changed to the "my plate" model. I recently came across the following video which gives a brief summary of the evolution of USDA recommendations over the years.
I know there have been many critics of these guidelines over the years claiming the meat, agriculture, and dairy groups put too much influence on the recommendations. Regardless of if you agree with the current or past recommendations, it is obvious that they are constantly changing.
Many nutritional philosophies disagree with each other such as vegetarians vs. paleo enthusiasts. Determining the best way to eat can be very confusing. Basic guidelines are given for the general population so it is important for people to do their own research and experimentation when it comes to determining optimal nutrition.
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